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Braces in Jacksonville Beach, FL

Here is a complete guide to all things braces. From the process and their function to maintenance and adjustments,  to mishaps and emergencies. Dr. Marty and Bold Bite Orthodontics in Jacksonville, FL are here to provide a seamless ortho experience.

How Braces Work

How Braces Work

Braces have revolutionized the field of orthodontics, transforming countless smiles and boosting self-confidence along the way. In Jacksonville, FL, Dr. Marty Greenberg and the dedicated team at Bold Bite Orthodontics bring their expertise to the forefront, helping patients achieve stunning results. 


Understanding the process and progression of orthodontic treatment, from the initial placement of braces to subsequent adjustments and regular check-ups, will help you navigate the path to your dream smile with confidence. Patience and compliance play crucial roles in ensuring the best possible outcome. Let's explore the orthodontic progress and the key elements involved:


  1. Initial Placement of Braces: Your orthodontic journey begins with a complimentary comprehensive evaluation by our experienced orthodontist, Dr. Marty Greenberg, at Bold Bite Orthodontics in Jacksonville, FL. During your initial visit, Dr. Greenberg will examine your teeth, take impressions, X-rays, and photographs, and create a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. This plan will outline the specific adjustments required to achieve optimal alignment.

  2. Braces Adjustment: Once your braces are placed, you will start experiencing the remarkable process of tooth movement. It's important to remember that orthodontic treatment takes time and requires patience. As your treatment progresses, you will visit Dr. Greenberg regularly for adjustments. During these appointments, the wires, brackets, or aligners will be modified or replaced to apply precise and gradual pressure, encouraging teeth to move into their desired positions. Each adjustment brings you one step closer to your perfect smile.

  3. Regular Check-Ups: Regular check-ups are a vital aspect of orthodontic treatment. These appointments, typically scheduled every few weeks, allow Dr. Greenberg to monitor your progress, assess the movement of your teeth, and make any necessary adjustments. It's crucial to attend these check-ups as they play a key role in ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of your treatment. By staying committed to your regular appointments, you are actively participating in your journey to a beautifully aligned smile.

  4. Patience and Compliance: Orthodontic treatment requires a combination of professional expertise and patient compliance. It's important to remember that achieving your ideal smile takes time, and the duration of treatment varies from person to person. Adhering to the instructions provided by Dr. Greenberg and his team, such as wearing elastics, maintaining proper oral hygiene, and following dietary guidelines, will greatly contribute to the success of your treatment.  Demonstrating patience, complying with recommended practices, and practicing good oral care habits will help ensure optimal results and a shorter overall treatment time.


Following the step-by-step progress of your orthodontic treatment, from the initial placement of braces to subsequent adjustments and regular check-ups, is an essential part of your journey towards a confident smile. Remember, each visit to Bold Bite Orthodontics in Jacksonville, FL brings you closer to your goal. By maintaining patience, adhering to recommended practices, and embracing the expertise of Dr. Marty Greenberg and his dedicated team, you are on your way to achieving the beautifully aligned smile you've always dreamed of. Trust the process, and soon you'll be showcasing your stunning new smile to the world!

Caring For Your Braces

Caring for your Braces

Taking proper care of your braces is essential for ensuring optimal oral health and achieving the best possible outcome in your orthodontic journey. At Bold Bite Orthodontics, under the guidance of Dr. Marty Greenberg in Jacksonville, FL, we prioritize patient education to empower you with the knowledge and techniques to care for your braces effectively. Let's delve into the three key aspects of braces care: regular oral hygiene, diet and eating habits, and avoiding potential damages.


Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is crucial during your orthodontic treatment. Braces can create more surfaces for plaque and food particles to accumulate, making it essential to establish a diligent oral care routine. Here's what you need to know:


  • Brushing Techniques: Learn proper brushing techniques tailored for braces, including angling the toothbrush to clean around brackets and wires effectively. Dr. Greenberg and our team will guide you on selecting the appropriate toothbrush and toothpaste for optimal results.

  • Flossing with Braces: Discover effective flossing methods, such as using threaders or orthodontic floss, to clean between your teeth and under the wires. Dr. Greenberg will demonstrate the techniques and provide recommendations on the best tools for your needs.

  • Regular Dental Check-Ups: Don't forget to maintain your regular dental check-ups. Combined with orthodontic appointments, these visits help ensure overall oral health and allow for professional cleaning and examination.


Patients who do not keep their teeth clean may require more frequent visits to the dentist for a professional cleaning. Adults who have a history of gum disease should also see a periodontist during orthodontic treatment. 

Diet and Eating Habits

During orthodontic treatment, it's important to be mindful of your diet and make choices that support the health of your braces and teeth. Consider the following guidelines:


  • Chewing Techniques: Learn proper chewing techniques to minimize the risk of damaging brackets or wires. Cut food into small, bite-sized pieces, and avoid biting directly into hard objects.

  • Hydration and Avoiding Staining: Stay hydrated and limit consumption of sugary or acidic beverages, as they can contribute to tooth decay and demineralization. Also, be mindful of foods that can stain your teeth, as these stains may be more visible after braces are removed.

  • Braces-Friendly Food Choices: Discover a variety of delicious and nutritious options that are gentle on braces. Soft foods, such as yogurt, mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables, are often recommended. 

Foods to Avoid With Braces

Foods to Avoid

Are you wondering what kinds of food you can eat while you’re in braces? Can you still have pizza? What about gum? Are you only going to be eating soft foods for the next two years? What do you avoid completely with braces? These are all great questions to think about if considering braces in the future! The good news is you do not have to stick to a completely soft diet for the next two years. There are plenty of good foods you can still have while you have your braces on. Awareness of “good” and “bad” food is very important so you are able to take care of your braces throughout treatment and have the best results.


Why certain foods need to be avoided with braces
Your braces may have brackets, bands, and arch wires that can all be damaged by certain foods. Avoiding very hard or sticky food is a big priority as damaged braces will cause treatment to take longerAlong with avoiding certain foods, having proper hygiene is essential to making sure cavities do not form around the braces. If the teeth and braces are not properly cleaned of food debris, tartar and plaque can accumulate which can cause white spots on the surfaces of the teeth. 


Crunchy and sticky foods such as nuts and bubble gum, and hard candies like lollipops and candy canes can loosen brackets and wires which may cause delays in treatment. Foods to avoid with your braces are: ​

  • Nuts

  • Potato chips

  • Popcorn

  • Crunchy veggies

  • Hard candies (such as jolly ranchers or lollipops)

  • Gum (Sugar-free gum is okay)

  • Sticky candies (like laffy-taffy or gummy bears)

  • Corn on the cob

  • Apples

  • Beef jerky

  • Pizza crust

  • Fibrous vegetable

  • Potato chips

  • Bagels

  • Raw fruit 

  • Caramel candies

  • Pretzels

  • Corn on the cob

  • Raw carrots or celery 

  • Tough or chewy meat

  • Corn chips 

  • Marshmallows 

  • Hard taco shells 

  • Meat on the bones 

  • Peanut butter 

  • Hard cookies, crackers, and fudge 


You may also want to avoid foods and drinks that can stain your teeth while you’re wearing braces, such as coffee, tea, and dark sodas. It’s not just hard foods that can break the appliances in your mouth, it is important to not chew on any hard objects! Other items and habits to avoid that could damage brackets are:

  • Pen chewing

  • Pencil chewing

  • Nail biting

  • Toothpicks

  • Straw Chewing

  • Ice


Even with braces, we can still enjoy the good things in life! At every visit, Dr. Greenberg and your dental assistant will evaluate the braces for damage to brackets or plaque build-up. All of our patients receive a short class after braces are placed to review how to best care for your appliances to ensure they stay in top shape throughout treatment. Remembering the “do’s” and “don’ts” can have a big impact on your treatment outcome and will help to get the beautiful smile you have always dreamed of!

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